Friday, June 24, 2016

Frugal Friday #7 #FixThePlus #FollowFriday

Planted seeds in egg cartoon holder.


Last Frugal Friday I talked about growing yourself indoor herbs and left off saying we will explore making indoor starter kits and save a ton of money. When I grew my own back in Maine I planted seeds in empty egg shell cartons. What I think is so neat about the paper cartons is the biodegradable part of it. You can plant the whole little container holding your sprouts either out in your garden or inside in your planter. May is a good time to start planting.

My little sprouts.


This is what I like best for you can use your imagination. Like for instance, you could plant your seedlings in a discarded coffee pot. I just would put small stones or pebbles at the bottom of the pot or you can use fish gravel that has seen better days. Then you will have drainage and fertilizer.

I love clay pots.

So take one of your seedlings in your egg container, it will be quite moist by the time you are ready to plant. Fill with gravel about 1 inch tall, then the soil, then the seedling and there you have it. Put what ever you are growing in a nice sunny spot.

While I'm thinking about it I love what some people have done with old tires. The ones I've seen is they were painted, buried halfway with flowers in the middle. Looked pretty neat.

Nice sunny spot.

I hope I have given you a few ideas to play with. Gardening can be so much fun:)

What have you planted so far?

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