Thursday, April 21, 2016

Prince Died While I Was Making Pancakes

For breakfast/lunch, I decided to make some blueberry pancakes. I actually made it through standing until I was done with the last pancake. Needless to say, when I sat down to eat my pancakes it was kinda hot from the burner since we have a gas stove eating only a few bites.

My husband announces "Prince has died" they just said so. I asked if it was 'real' with all the hoaxes that come out you have to check and recheck. Evidently it's true.

I'm 57 and I'm here to tell you I told my husband that it doesn't matter how much money you have you can go anytime, "would you like more butter and syrup on your pancakes"?

He agreed so after a few minutes listening to the newscast about Prince dying which is all over the web as of now I say "Maybe when you do have a lot of money it makes things worse"?

I was never a huge Prince fan but my heart does go out to his passing, his friends, fans, and family. News like this makes you take a brief look at your own mortality then you move on.

Farewell Prince, may you rock in peace.

What were you doing when you heard the news of Prince passing?

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