Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Rub A Dub Dub

I love the way a doing a simple chore can trigger a memory. On my to-do list I posted earlier, housework was at the bottom. I can only do housework in bits and pieces having to sit down, which is at my laptop, which has my grandson fresh out of his bath as background picture, which urges me to Facebook to see if more 'baby' stuff has been posted, then I see this, follow this link, next thing we all know if you spend any time at all on the computer a couple of days hours have passed.

Our apartment hallway was worked on a few days ago. Being from men who worked as carpenters the sounds of banging and drilling was comforting. At the bottom of the stairs is two coat racks in various degrees of usefulness, a big plastic tote, two baskets that I used to take all over town with me to haul laundry or groceries. One at a time of course!

I had decided to fix it up down there a little bit for it's a small area so you can get the outside door open. I went down and now it looks so nice, grasped that big tote bringing it upstairs with me intending to put it in the shower which getting it in my tiny shower was like making a tight three point turn, a little shower door banging, I got it in.

As I turned it on squirting dish soap into the bottom where the water was foaming I was brought back in time to when my daughter was a baby, living in an apartment with just a shower. One day it was just too warm and wanting her to cool down a bit I went to work on my shower floor. Scrubbing it clean, rinsing it thoroughly, I covered the drain started to fill the bottom with water. Before I put her in I had laid out a towel for her to sit on as well.

This tote would have made a wonderful little portable tub so remember it is not what you got but how you can adapt and use what you got. Sitting on my bed with a direct view she splashed and played making her tired out for nap time.

Have you ever had to come up with an ingenious plan?

100 Exquisite Adjectives by Mark Nichol

I love learning new words or being reintroduced to one. I ran across a list of them and will add a word a day.

Word#43 Insolent: impudent, contemptuous

In a sentence: Please go clean you room I told my insolent teenager.

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