Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wolfblood Season 5

I feel such a sense of satisfaction. I have finally finished Wolfblood Season 3 Episode 13. I went on to google if season 4 was coming and it is a yes so I subscribed to be alerted when it starts. I may let it go all 13 episodes because I'm a certified "binge watcher".

I remember when I first started to watch Wolfblood. I was browsing shows at and loving all things supernatural I decided to start watching giving it a chance for it's another show with mostly teenagers.

The show has a healthy amount of adults so that you don't feel like your going to Disneyland and still a nice story. I love the music which you can listen to at

So if you like this sort of, I say tv show from habit even though I watch it on my Notepad, check it out. Here's some lyrics I got off the net for you. I practically have the song memorized.

Wolf Blood
A promise that I keep
I'll never share
I'll never speak
To my grave, the secret goes

The beating heart
The beating heart
The mystic creatures wandered far
Through these veins, the Wolfblood flows

A change will come, I know, behold my future
As soon as day returns tonight
The passion of my clan
To be at one with them and
hidden from the world outside

A promise that I keep
I'll never share
I'll never speak
To my grave, the secret goes

The beating heart
The beating heart
The mystic creatures wandered far
Through these veins, the Wolfblood flows

A change will come, I know, behold my future
As soon as day returns tonight
The passion of my clan
To be at one with them and
hidden from the world outside

A promise that I keep
I'll never share
I'll never speak
Through these veins, the Wolfblood flows

What's your favorite show?

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