Friday, October 2, 2015

Towels and Scissors

I saw sunlight peeking through the curtain this morning. It was one of those "night owl" nights" for both hubby and me. Too soon I hear, "Hunny, the nurse will be here in 15 mins." and I rise like I'm in a coffin blinking away from the bright sunshine. This morning I could use a few clouds.

Meanwhile, the nice home care nurse is here and has already disappeared into our bedroom and from the loud gasps and moans is changing his vac-pack bandages. It probably wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't in his groin area. But that's where the hidradenitis likes to cause a lot of trouble with boils and pain.
So far I have gotten a towel and a pair of scissors for the nurse. What nurse doesn't have scissors? I'm not hearing any noise at the moment so either the pain pill kicked in somewhat or the nurse is really good at changing vac-pack bandages. My eyes have finally stopped the "I was woke up too early" watering. But I have no voice just hoarse croaking to answer those two questions, can you bring a  towel and then, scissors.

I think I like this nurse. It's a female nurse, last time it was a male nurse. I'm pretty sure except for the initial gasps of pain in the beginning I want to keep this nurse for that saying is true, Silence IS Golden. And to cover my butt I like both sexes of nurses.

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