Monday, September 21, 2015

Tinybeans Is The Best

I am so happy. Yesterday I spent a while setting up my new grandson Barrett's journal. I had looked at other journal sites and they at first looked simple enough but when I started to try and add pictures that is where it got hard.

Now I may be slow but I get there being around the web for a while now usually I can figure things out but I needed something simpler.

So I decided to go where the experts are and looked up long-distance grandmas and presto one of those sites recommended Tinybeans.

So I register and log in and its soooooo easy! It even has a store where you can make a book! You can add the people that can see what your posting, it sends email alerts, so far so good.

I love you Tinybeans and when I need a smile and a heartful of love that s where I go.

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