Saturday, August 22, 2015

Brew'in in the Kitchen

Today will be about "homemade goodness". I was going through my photos and decided that today was Kitchen Time with Grandma Rose and weed out some of those photos of food and other strange ideas I come up with.
All has been tried and tested. Maybe these will give you some inspiration...or not. 
Inside my fridge after shopping more of a healthy way.
Homemade Mac & Cheese w/hamburger & tomato slices.
Homemade Mac & Cheese w/hamburger & tomato slices ready to go in the oven.
Mayo splat.
 Omg this picture was a mayo splat. There were 3 almost finished off Mayo jars in the fridge. I had a scoop on my spatula turning to tell hubbie that use up the old ones first...and SPLAT. I stood there a min. and we both started cracking up.

Homemade Quesadilla

The ingrediants for Quesadilla 

Serving Husband

The quick way to make Bacon Burgers & Fries. Takes 25 mins.

Sweet Potato to sweeten up Green Smoothies. 

Frozen Strawberries to make Green Smoothies or Daiquiris:) 

Because of back issues bacon and fries in the oven...bout 25 mins.

I was making the eggs when one of my eggs were twins!

The best way at least I think to thaw bacon or anything else. No more wet counters.

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